Inspiration and Advice

4 Expert-Recommended Alternatives to Douching

Few women’s health topics have drummed up as much controversy as douching. Though women have been using vaginal irrigation devices for centuries, they’re now considered an intimate care no-no. Their popularity dates back to the mid-18th century when they were used as a (very ineffective, we might add) form of birth control in addition to a tool for personal hygiene. But this is one case where long-used does not equal time-tested. 
3 years ago

9 Signs You’re Overdoing Kegels

Kegels are a common pelvic floor exercise that strengthen muscles at the bottom of your core. While Kegels have many benefits, like any exercise, it’s possible to have too much of a good thing. Doing too many Kegels can strain your muscles, causing pain, discomfort, and more. Read on to discover what Kegels can and can’t do and what the signs of overdoing Kegels are:
3 years ago

The Best Exercises for a Menopause Belly

Thanks to dropping estrogen levels and a reduced metabolism, you might find yourself gaining weight during menopause, especially around your belly. Losing that weight can also become more challenging, and you might find it taking longer than it did previously. (Not to mention, the link between menopause and bloating can make your tummy look even larger.)
3 years ago

How Mula Bandha Yoga Can Help Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor

Dedicated yogis and beginners alike know that yoga brings all sorts of measurable benefits. Studies show that the practice has the power to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression while lessening pain, strengthening muscles, and treating symptoms of menopause. But did you know that yoga can also help with incontinence and pelvic pain? Indeed, it’s all part of the yogic approach to pelvic floor exercises, called mula bandha yoga.
3 years ago

7 Ways to Overcome Menopause Fatigue

One of the unfortunate and lesser-known side effects of menopause is the constant fatigue. All the hormone fluctuations can leave you exhausted and worn out — and some of your habits may be making it worse. Here are seven things you can do to get some menopause relief from your fatigue:
4 years ago

Let us introduce ourselves. 

As a relatively new brand, we wanted to take this opportunity to let you know who we are, what we stand for, and the impact we hope to have on women and the stigma around naturally aging. So without further ado, here’s a peek into our world.  
4 years ago

What Is the Difference Between Perimenopause and Menopause?

We sat down with a group of women to ask them questions about menopause, incontinence, and everything in between. When we asked them if they felt like there is adequate information surrounding menopause topics, All three women yelled “no” and laughed when asked. One even said “even perimenopause symptoms are vague…” and we’re here to help fix that.
4 years ago

Menopause and Your Libido: Everything You Need to Know

One of the most irritating side effects of menopause — and one of the most common — is a decreased libido. Many women find themselves navigating a lower sex drive in addition to their other symtpoms, which can impact the relationship they have with their partner and with themselves. Here’s what you need to know about menopause and your libido and getting menopause relief for your sex drive.
4 years ago

Back Pain and Incontinence: Understanding the Connection

Maybe you’ve had back pain for a while and have recently started to develop incontinence, or vice versa. Maybe you started to develop them at about the same time. However the pain started, you want to learn how to manage both your back pain and incontinence. Back pain and incontinence are relatively common conditions, and they can occur at the same time. However, they may not always have the same cause even if they do happen around roughly the same time. Here’s what you need to know about back pain and incontinence:
4 years ago

6 Essential Vaginal Hygiene Tips Every Woman Should Know

Few women’s health topics come with as many mixed messages as vaginal hygiene. We know that we need to keep the bad bacteria in check, but we also know that it’s not a good idea to clean the vagina in the same way we do the rest of the body. Indeed, cleanliness down there is a hotly debated topic, and doing so in the wrong way (think: with a douche) can cause serious problems. 
4 years ago
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