7 Ways to Overcome Menopause Fatigue
By fizkes / Shutterstock.com
One of the unfortunate and lesser-known side effects of menopause is the constant fatigue. All the hormone fluctuations can leave you exhausted and worn out — and some of your habits may be making it worse. Here are seven things you can do to get some menopause relief from your fatigue:
1. Develop a sleep routine.
One of the best things you can do for your fatigue is to establish a regular sleep schedule, going to bed and waking up at the same time every day (yes, even on weekends!). This will help establish your body’s circadian rhythm and make it easier for you to fall asleep and stay asleep. Try sleeping in a completely dark room that is as devoid of light as possible. You can use a sleep mask if you need to. Ear plugs and white noise machines will help block out disruptive sounds, and turning down the temperature will help manage menopause night sweats. If you have trouble falling asleep, taking melatonin at night for a short period of time can help with that.
Menopause and Night Sweats: How to Better Manage Hot Flashes at Night
2. Exercise regularly.
While it may seem counterintuitive, exercise actually boosts your energy over both the short- and long-term. For one, it gives you a temporary adrenaline rush, which is why you shouldn’t exercise right before bed. It also physically exhausts you and makes it easier to fall and stay asleep, leaving you more refreshed the next day. Regular exercise will help you get onto a sleep schedule and stay on it, so if you’re not exercising at least 30 minutes a day, adding that to your routine will be incredibly beneficial for your sleep. (Learn more about pelvic floor exercises that will help rebuild muscles as you go through menopause.)
By Krakenimages.com / Shutterstock.com
3. Stay hydrated.
Dehydration does a number on your body and can contribute to fatigue. Stay hydrated through the day by taking small sips of water, herbal tea, and other beverages. Not only will staying hydrated help fight fatigue, it will also reduce water retention, lubricate your joints, plump up your skin, and more. If you don’t like plain water, try infusing it with fruits and vegetables such as cucumbers, lemons, and oranges to give it a pleasant taste without adding sugar.
4. Watch your caffeine intake.
Sure, a cup or two of coffee in the morning can help you feel more alert. But drinking too much caffeine, or drinking it too late in the day, will make it even harder to fall asleep at night and further disrupt your sleep cycle. Only drink a couple of cups a day, and try not to have caffeine after lunch time or so to avoid keeping yourself awake. Speaking of beverages, try to not have a lot of alcohol close to bedtime. While it may make you feel sleepy, it will disrupt your sleep and wake you up more often at night.
5. Eat smaller meals.
As you get older, acid reflux and other gastrointestinal issues become more common. These can keep you up late and even wake you up in the middle of sleeping. To reduce the chances of this happening, try eating your dinner earlier and also eat smaller portions to avoid irritating your stomach. If you know that certain foods trigger your stomach issues, avoid them altogether or eat them early enough in the day that you can completely digest them by the time you go to sleep.
Learn How to Calm an Irritated Bladder Here
6. Manage your calendar.
Overcommitting yourself is one of the easiest ways to become fatigued. Between work, family, and health, many menopausal women are already juggling multiple responsibilities, and then they often agree to add extra commitments on top of that. Take a look at everything you have going on and consider whether or not you can realistically cut some of it. Also, remember that it’s okay to say no — you don’t have to agree to help every person who asks you for a favor!
By Kinga / Shutterstock.com
7. Make time to relax.
Now that you’ve freed up all that time on your calendar, pencil in something else: time for yourself to relax! Taking the time to rest instead of running yourself ragged will help you recover from the fatigue instead of making it worse. Don’t be afraid to take time for yourself to read, soak in a bath, take a nap, or even just do nothing!
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